Art/Media/Design Category
Displaying 1 through 20 of 116.


i need a logo

i'm setting up as a freelance tech consultant, and i need a logo (based on or incorporating my domain name, which will be the main way that i'll refer to this business) to put on my snazzy new website - perhaps you can also pick out some corporate... [more inside]

December, 2024

I made up a holiday celebration. Does (quickly) turning it into a graphic novel / comic sound fun to you?

This isn't a paid gig, but maybe someone will think it sounds like fun. Also, it's intended to be quick, like, less than a day or something. My friend's birthday is coming up (in two days), so I made up a whole elaborate holiday around it and... [more inside]

May, 2024

Comics artist with "cartoon realism" style.

I'm a published writer with a completed script for a non-fiction graphic novel, but no-one to draw it. It's a real-world setting and cast with no fantasy or superhero elements. The story's a serious one, so the art needs to match that tone. Initially,... [more inside]

July, 2022

UX/UI Design Intern (Sep-Dec 2022)

About the job The Perch Design Team is looking for a UX/UI intern to join us in creating an efficient and engaging user experience for our client facing website and tools. You must have a strong interest in user research and a... [more inside]

February, 2022

Illustrator for Rider–Waite style drawing

I would like to commission a drawing of a tarot card in the style of the Rider–Waite tarot deck of the scene described in [more inside]

October, 2020

Are you a maker? (3d printing, laser cutting, moulded silicone...?) Make doll glasses

My son is getting glasses just before Christmas. I'd like to get some glasses for his Cabbage Patch Doll and for his Corolle doll. Surprisingly, etsy, wish, aliexpress have failed me. Can you make some glasses that would fit those dolls and be... [more inside]

Create simplified sheet music of anime themes

A friend of mine is learning piano, and I'm trying to be supportive. She likes anime a lot (FLCL, Evangelion, almost all Ghibli, open to suggestions for simple themes). She's a total novice, but if possible, I'd like to offer her a few songs where... [more inside]

April, 2020

Designer for print + web publication

The Affecting Technologies group of the Center for Arts, Design + Social Research is looking to hire a designer or studio to work with us on designing a publication for print and web. The goal of the publication is to document the presentations,... [more inside]

November, 2019

Photoshop an 80s style double exposure for my family holiday card

Hi, I’m looking for someone to create a double exposure photo. I need brief guidance on how to set up the photos to get the best results, then I’ll email you the files. [more inside]

October, 2019

Old Photo Retouching

I recently scanned my parents' wedding photos. There are two that have been in frames for 10+ years. They are faded. If possible, I'd like someone to color correct/retouch (are these the right terms?) them. I can provide example that haven't been... [more inside]

September, 2019

Help plan a DIY US tour for an indie stage magician type

As per this AskMefi question, I've been selected to be part of a US West Coast spoken word & performance tour in March 2020 and... [more inside]

June, 2019

Jeweler/Crafty Person

I have a silver charm bracelet that’s in pretty rough shape, mostly because it’s a crummy bracelet and I put the charms on it myself. I’d like to find someone who can remove the charms, pretty them up, and put them on a decent bracelet. Of course,... [more inside]

April, 2019

Cartoon artist wanted

Hello! I have come up with text and associated doodles for five or so New Yorker-style (one panel) cartoons. I'd like to hire someone to upgrade my doodles to actual drawings, albeit still pretty simple ones. (Probably the most complex example is a... [more inside]

March, 2019

Crop scanned photos

I have ~250 BMP files that contain ~4 photos each. My mom and I scanned them a few years ago, doing 4 at a time on a flatbed, and attempting to keep them in relative order (we took them out of photo albums that were in relative order). I'd like to... [more inside]

November, 2018

3D Conversion Artist

I am putting together a small team to tackle the conversion of a :30 commercial television spot to stereoscopic 3D using the usual attack vectors -- rotoscoping, displacement, and depth mapping, with assembly in After Effects. It's been a few... [more inside]

October, 2018

Need an experienced bassist to write me a tab

I would really like to learn Fleetwood Mac's Silver Springs, but I'm finding it very difficult to find an accurate tab. I want it to sound as close to the original as possible. I'm just starting to learn, so I can't quite figure it out by ear... [more inside]

September, 2018

photo project help

I'm taking a photo class and would like to make a project about how the news makes us angry! I'm asking you to send a digital selfie headshot (or another person is fine) looking angry, and either a link or headline for what in the news is making you... [more inside]

August, 2018

One-off Graphic Design Project for Button/Sticker

Hi. I've got a side project around activism and would like to produce a graphic I can use to print buttons and stickers. This is a single image/design, not a range. A concept is in place, but I lack the design skills to create great-looking... [more inside]

March, 2018

Illustration of a dinosaur by Sunday

I need someone to draw a dinosaur for me by Sunday, with some text. The illustration must be 800x800 and 4mb. Color or black-and-white are acceptable. This is for a song on SoundCloud.... [more inside]

February, 2018

$50 to draw a picture of a photograph

Hi, I would like to commission someone to draw a picture of a photograph. It's for a Valentine's Day present. If you're interested, can you DM me with a link to some of your work online. Details: 1) I would like to get this by Wednesday. I live in... [more inside]

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