I made up a holiday celebration. Does (quickly) turning it into a graphic novel / comic sound fun to you?
December 16, 2024 10:20 AM

This isn't a paid gig, but maybe someone will think it sounds like fun.

Also, it's intended to be quick, like, less than a day or something.

My friend's birthday is coming up (in two days), so I made up a whole elaborate holiday around it and turned that into this story-ish thing (name changed for anonymity, but it sounds better with the original name).

I tried using one of the tools/apps myself, but my net connection may not be up to it right now (using a wifi hotspot). Anyway I probably should be working on other things.

But I really like the story, and got some good ideas for how to break it into scenes/panels.

Is this something that might sound fun for you? Because... I can't pay you, but you would be allowed to share the result if you wanted. Or I could give you a story to use to make another such creation for your own friend or the holiday you need.

payscale: love / art exchange
job type: volunteer
posted by amtho to Art/Media/Design 1 user marked this as a favorite

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