Flash/Action Script expert to collaborate on Tower Defence
April 7, 2009 3:58 AM

Hi. I need to build a fairly simple Tower Defence game for a client. I am an illustrator and designer, but not a Flash or action script expert. You, however, are, and are willing to collaborate with me to produce the finished product.

The Game:
Fun, self-contained Flash based Tower Defence game, with a target audience of 8-12 year old children (therefore won't need to be complicated or too fancy). The finished game will be freely accessible to all and hosted on a website for kids, which I am building.

My role:
I can supply game rules/gameplay ideas, guidelines, text, all graphics and all sound effects. Basically all the visible and audible stuff. But I don't currently know how to put all these things together so that they work. I am somewhat flexible with the finer points of gameplay, so am open to suggestions if they make your life easier.

Your role:
You take all the elements that I supply, in whatever format you need, and put them all together into a smooth, workable and fun game.

We need to have the finished game online by 28th April (2009, sadly).

payscale: Negotiable
job type: contract
posted by Beautiful Screaming Lady to Web/HTML/Info Design 1 user marked this as a favorite

This job has been filled.

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