Fact checker for non-fiction book
December 28, 2020 8:51 AM

I'm looking for a fact checker for I’m writing a book about the perils and promise of gamification, covering games and technology, but also psychology, health, work, education, history, philosophy, and politics.

You should have experience with fact checking longform non-fiction, and ideally for published books (but that's not a dealbreaker). You don't need specific experience with games or technology but you should be an adept researcher.

You should also be experienced with Google Docs, familiar with Scrivener, and good at communicating online in a timely fashion; I'm based in the UK but this job is open to anyone in the world.

I don't have a set number for pay but I am aware of what professional fact checking costs for published non-fiction books and I'm happy to pay competitively.

payscale: Competitive
job type: contract
posted by adrianhon to Writing/Editing 1 user marked this as a favorite

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