Get My Domain Name Into the DNS and Get a "Hello World" Page Going on My AWS Website
June 11, 2019 2:11 PM

I'm used to simple, straightforward web hosting and site development to fulfill my needs. REALLY simple, Courier font only, a few JPEGs, not even using CSS (eg. Fatcow host, basic HTML via Mozilla/Seamonkey Composer, and FileZilla FTP or file drag-and-drop to the host).

For some reason I went with AWS this time and I'm totally lost ... their system is way too complex for my needs and I haven't been able to even get a working HTML index page going. Also, my registered domain name hasn't propagated through the DNS.

So the job is to get my domain name into the DNS, set up a basic "hello world" page on my AWS host for the world to see, and give me a work flow for adding HTML pages to it.

payscale: Negotiable
job type: contract
posted by ZenMasterThis to Web/HTML/Info Design

This job has been filled.

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