Coding a simple audio player for a home "radio station"
February 8, 2025 8:44 AM
I'd like to do the following, and after poking around it looks like the best option might be getting somebody to program it for me? I can't go ape on this (I'm currently underemployed), but work has value!
The parameters:
- A piece of software running on a Raspberry Pi
- That seeks MP3s contained in a huge folder of MP3s on a local NAS (Music folder > Artist subfolders > Album folders)
- Plays MP3s randomly, using metadata (genre, track length) to remove artists from the random selection
- Every 10 tracks, will randomly play a "Station ID" from a specific folder
Extended goals:
- Genre radio, which basically does the above within a specific genre, seeking a Station ID from a specific folder, tagged with that genre, every 10 tracks. Specifically, I have large collections of seasonal music (Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/New Year's, Hallowe'en). Being able to flip to those (tagged as Seasonal, Halloween genres) would be awesome.
- Ability to modify the parameters for the track selection over time (either through some sort of GUI, or just clear instructions on how to edit the code).
In essence, I want to have a "radio station," pulling from a massive library of music I already know I like (it's on my NAS!), but without having to ever build playlists manually.
This would all run headless on a Pi 4, outputting through its headphone jack (or through a USB>3.5mm jack on a Pi5). No need for a fancy GUI, or album art display, etc. etc.
payscale: Looking for quotes
job type: contract
The parameters:
- A piece of software running on a Raspberry Pi
- That seeks MP3s contained in a huge folder of MP3s on a local NAS (Music folder > Artist subfolders > Album folders)
- Plays MP3s randomly, using metadata (genre, track length) to remove artists from the random selection
- Every 10 tracks, will randomly play a "Station ID" from a specific folder
Extended goals:
- Genre radio, which basically does the above within a specific genre, seeking a Station ID from a specific folder, tagged with that genre, every 10 tracks. Specifically, I have large collections of seasonal music (Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/New Year's, Hallowe'en). Being able to flip to those (tagged as Seasonal, Halloween genres) would be awesome.
- Ability to modify the parameters for the track selection over time (either through some sort of GUI, or just clear instructions on how to edit the code).
In essence, I want to have a "radio station," pulling from a massive library of music I already know I like (it's on my NAS!), but without having to ever build playlists manually.
This would all run headless on a Pi 4, outputting through its headphone jack (or through a USB>3.5mm jack on a Pi5). No need for a fancy GUI, or album art display, etc. etc.
payscale: Looking for quotes
job type: contract
This job has been filled.
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