Technical Web Research Assistant
April 12, 2011 12:43 PM

You: you are programmer who loves to keep track of the very latest developments in browser technologies and APIs from the lowest to highest (html5, canvas, webgl, V8, jquery, processing.js etc.). You know how to present browser comparison charts for usage numbers, functionality, etc. You question every piece of data and track down real numbers and facts from multiple sources, etc. You are willing to work remotely, report to me on Skype and are extremely responsible about reporting times.

Me: willing to pay to have you sift through the noise and present me with what's out there.

Together: we find real meaningful trends (in both directions) and try to predict what's important.

payscale: $250/10hrs/week (flexible)
job type: part-time
posted by victors to Software/QA/DBA/Etc

This job has been filled.

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