Geosciences Data and Information Management in Japan
March 19, 2009 11:55 PM

Academic background and/or professional experience within geosciences or a related field; knowledge of an objected-oriented programming language (e.g., Java, C#) and/or web services, SQL, and a scripting language (e.g., Perl, PHP); familiarity with XML-based metadata; previous professional experience with geoscientific data and information management.

Position is located in Japan. Visa sponsorship is available. Salary ~7-9M JPY.

Send questions or CV and cover letter to mefijobpost at gmail.

payscale: 6-9M JPY/yr, depending on experience
job type: full-time
posted by McGuillicuddy to Et cetera 1 user marked this as a favorite

This job has been filled.

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