Media Manager/Webmaster
August 20, 2008 7:04 PM
Plimoth Plantation is looking for a full-time, year-round Media Manager and Webmaster in the marketing department. Successful candidate will produce video and audio content in all formats from HD theatrical release to web; manage, maintain and develop new initiatives for the website; produce graphics and other assets for web and video productions; and manage social networks and blogs including Facebook, MySpace, You Tube, and Twitter. Have command of video and audio production and post production, be able to shoot; audio record and edit for video; understand video delivery formats and compression techniques from HD to flash; write and structure validated HTML and CSS; and be able to use both MAC and PC. Proficient with Final Cut Studio, Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, AfterEffects and other related software; comfortable with LAMP web servers as well as installing and trouble-shooting application like Wordpress and other components. Language coding skills including MySQL, PHP, Action Script, and related skills in music composition, photography, cinematography and animation are a plus. Minimum three years of related experience. Plimoth Plantation is a not-for-profit living history museum dedicated to telling the bicultural story of the Native Wampanoag and Colonial English in 17th century Plimoth Colony.
payscale: unknown
job type: full-time
payscale: unknown
job type: full-time