AJAX and User Interface wizard needed
June 9, 2007 7:20 PM

Note: This is volunteer work with revenue potential. You've heard this one before, but come to me for more details and I'll explain my idea to you and you may just agree with me that there's serious money to be made.

I'm a programmer. I could do this stuff myself. However, I work a full time job, and I'm also not spectacular with making things pretty, graphically.

I've put some time into developing the idea, but spent $0 because I have a mortgage to pay. I'm looking for someone else willing to dedicate some time to something that might just take off and be something amazing.

What I need:
A whiz-bang AJAX developer capable of making really great UI functionality that works in both IE and Mozilla. Safari would be great too. If you've seen things like iGoogle's drag and droppable components, NetVibes, etc, you know what I'm after.

What the project is:
See my MeFi profile for a glimpse. There's way more ideas behind it than just what's there, but that'll give you a general idea. In a nutshell, I want to give people the ability to tie all of their different internet presences into one place.

At the very worst, I could provide you with some perks such as space on my colocated webserver so you can host a site or two. It's a LAMP server and I'd be happy to install any fun toys (within reason) you want.

At the very best, the idea is executed well, takes off, and a company is formed. You're hired on as lead interface developer. You're given a significant share of any ad revenue taken in by the site.

payscale: Volunteer for now
job type: volunteer
posted by twiggy to Internet Engineering

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