Amanuensis/typist needed
December 5, 2014 10:12 AM

I'm a writer with a (hopefully temporary) condition that prevents me from typing much. I need someone to turn my handwritten first drafts/edits/revisions into updated files, so I don't have to type.

I use mostly standard proofreading marks, but also some shorthand of my own, which I'll explain. I need someone who is:
- able to learn a few simple shorthand marks (and to decipher my handwriting)
- can devote a few hours a week to this, with turnaround in a day or two, but is flexible when there are weeks with no work
- good at attention to small details
- has Microsoft Word (so can edit and track changes in doc files) and ideally has Final Draft too, but that's not as urgent

payscale: ~$16/hr
job type: contract
posted by crookedneighbor to Writing/Editing 3 users marked this as a favorite

This job has been filled.

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